Tag Archives: Second Life

Fan Discovers Lovespirals via MoShang via Second Life

Second Arts Blog

Its always interesting to find out how fans discover my music and podcast, and sometimes the connections are surprising. A recent post on Second Arts blog details Morris Vig’s musical journey, courtesy of Second Life. Apparently a chance MoShang performance in SL lead to the discovery of Lovespirals (via MoShang’s remix of “Motherless Child,” no doubt), as well as The Chillcast with Anji Bee, which of course has always been a strong supporter of MoShang. Even more fun is that MoShang was Vig’s gateway into the chillout music scene. May I be the first to say, “Welcome!”

Anji Bee Guests Blogger & Podcaster Magazine Meetup

Anji Speaks in Second Life

I gave my first talk in Second Life tonight for the monthly Blogger & Podcaster Magazine meetup. The crowd was quite warm and receptive, asking questions after my general talk about the lifepath that led to me being a podcaster. I was pretty nervous, I have to admit, and I think what surprised them most was my admission that I am sick of hearing myself talk after so much time spent promoting the new Lovespirals album. 😛

ShowGirls #13


Download ShowGirls #12 MP3

The ShowGirls have a special guest this week – Miss Amy Mac of Fitness Attack, Fitlife, and Assercize! The girls talk about PC Santa, No Impact Man, Black Friday vs Cyber Monday, Amazon Kindle, eating fit, going raw vegan, Adam Curry’s ass, and much more with Karla from Rumor Girls, Share from Rock n Roll TV, KFC from Podchick, and me – Anji Bee from the Chillcast – along with Franklin McMahon of fmstudio.com. Email the show at frank@fmstudio.com!

Sponsors and Show Links:

ShowGirls News:

Come see Anji speak in Second Life at the Blogger & Podcaster Magazine Podcast Meetup on Monday, December 3rd, at 6pm SLT (that’s PST)


Chillin with Lovespirals Live in SecondLife

Chillin with Lovespirals logo


Download Lovespirals Acoustic Second Life Concert MP3

In this special episode, we present our Second Life acoustic performance from Oct. 27th. This is the first live set in support of Long Way From Home, and the first Lovespirals Second Life performance. By the way, the folks from PodShow Island said we had 760 listeners on their audio streams in addition to the full house watching in-game, pretty crazy! Anyway, we hope you enjoy this stripped down set, recorded directly from our mixing board.

Setlist (and links to original recordings):

  1. “Our Nights” from Windblown Kiss (2002) Lovespirals - Windblown Kiss - Our Nights
  2. “Walk Away” from Free & Easy (2005) Lovespirals - Free & Easy - Walk Away
  3. “Treading the Water” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Treading the Water
  4. “Empty Universe” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Empty Universe
  5. “Abide” from Free & Easy (2005) Lovespirals - Free & Easy - Abide
  6. “Lazy Love Days” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Lazy Love Days
  7. “Caught in the Groove” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Caught In the Groove
  8. “Once in a Blue Moon” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Once In a Blue Moon
  9. “This Truth” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - This Truth
  10. “Motherless Child” from Long Way From Home (2007) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - Motherless Child

Additional Show Links:

Buy CDs from lovespirals.com — personally autographed by Ryan & Anji!


Chillin’ with Lovespirals #44

Chillin with Lovespirals logo


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #44 MP3

Ryan and Anji chat about seeing Neil Young perform and discuss how he’s inspired the band, talk about the official release of Long Way From Home – including being on the newly launched iTunes+, share a few fan emails and listener reviews from Amazon, iTunes, and LastFM, announce other sites selling or promoting the new album, including CDBaby, iLike, Virb, and iMeem, talk about their first performance in Second Life on PodShow Island, announce the Love Spirals Downwards reissues, and more. The show closes with “This Truth” live and acoustic!

Lovespirals Second Life Show
Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” performing in Second Life on 10/23/2007


Lovespirals on Accident Hash #247

Accident Hash [audio:http://m.podshow.com/media/212/episodes/84858/accidenthash-84858-10-26-2007.mp3]

Download Accident Hash #247 Mp3

Lovespirals are featured on today’s Accident Hash. CC Chapman plays his favorite track from Long Way From Home, the album opener “Caught in the Groove.” He also announces our Second Life show on PodShow Island tomorrow night, which Accident Hash is co-presenting, despite the fact that CC is attending Podcamp Boston and won’t have good enough Internet connectivity to attend. 🙁

Lovespirals in SL

Click thru to use an SLURL to transport into the Second Life venue!

Chillin’ with Lovespirals #43

Chillin with Lovespirals logo


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #43 MP3

Ryan & Anji are back in town and preparing for the official release of Long Way From Home TOMORROW! The band reflect on their travels through Humboldt County, sharing photos on Anji’s Flickr album. Updates on the new CD on Amazon MP3 Store, Amazon Advantage, Last FM, iLike, and Garageband. Lovespirals ask for your help reviewing and recommending the new CD online and offer Lovespirals banners to link to on your blog or social media site. Plus they announce the two big Second Life events going on THIS WEEK on PodShow Island including a CD listening party October 23rd at 7pm PST and their first ever live performance in SL on Sat. October 27th at 7pm PST! They also read some listener email and close out the show with the Fave Nitemare remix of “This Truth.” If you haven’t already, please check out the new album at lovespirals.com/longway!

Lovespirals in Second Life
Anji “Riel” and Ryan “Lumley” of Lovespirals in Second Life


Upcoming Lovespirals Second Life Events

Lovespirals in SL

There will be two Second Life events going on next week on PodShow/SoHo Island for the official release of Lovespirals’ Long Way From Home CD. First is a listening party for both the new album and the Motherless Child EP on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm SLT. Then, on Saturday, October 27th, Lovespirals will perform for the first time in Second Life, also at 7 pm SLT on PodShow/SoHo Island. Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” will play an acoustic set of songs from all 3 Lovespirals albums. If you haven’t yet joined Second Life, now would be the time to do it! Lovespirals live events are few and far between…

Lovespirals listening party