I couldn’t resist making a Muxtape of Anji Bee tunes past and present! The idea is so simple its brilliant; quick ‘n’ easy mixtapes you can listen to via computer or iPhone. As a music and podcast creator, its very frustrating to find that folks on iPhones can’t access my content via webpages — well, now they can! To kick it off, I’ve assembled an array of collaborations recorded from 2003 to the present day. And by present day, I mean like last week! Included in the mix is a brand new unreleased track from the upcoming CABACA album assembled by MoShang and PigSkinHead, which I am very excited about. I also threw in my “hidden track” on the new Chandeen album, and for fun, my song from PUSSY: The Musical. There are quite a few obscure tracks here, so check it out when you get a chance. Maybe you’d like to make your own Muxtape?
Tag Archives: Pussy The Musical
Anji Guests on Pussy: The Musical
Download Pussy: The Musical – Chapter 8 MP3
Oh my… I collaborated on a song with evil genius, Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff, for his zany new “audio book” project with fellow Pacific Coast Hellway producer, Mike Yusi. Folks have said that Pussy: The Musical is PodShow’s answer to Highschool: The Musical; does that make me Gabriella?
You can actually buy my track – as well as the rest of the songs used in Pussy: The Musical on eMusic!