Tag Archives: lovespirals

Chillcast Episode 1

OMG! It’s the flagship episode of the Chillcuts Chillcast with Anji Bee… Thanks to all of the artists for allowing me to podcast their groovy tunes! BTW, the background music is “Beatitude” by Lovespirals.


  1. “Always the Same” by Sunburn in Cyprus unreleased (2005)
  2. “Sandcastles (Podsafe Radio Edit)” by Lovespirals Free & Easy (2006)
  3. “Softly” by Hungry Lucy To Kill a King (2004)
  4. “What Do You Want Me To Say” by Riviera unreleased (2005)

Download The Chillcast Episode #1 from Internet Archive (mp3)


Anji Bee on Comic Strip Blog

Daily Source Code followers will likely be familiar with the infamous Comic Strip Blogger, who comments religiously on Adam Curry’s blog. I recently mentioned him in some audio feedback to Adam, and now CSB (as Adam calls him) has mentioned me in his comic strip! Now, that is usually NOT a good thing, but I was somehow spared his wrath and appear in a fairly positive light. Of course, I should remind him that Ryan was the one to the sell the 50,000 CDs, not me…


Lovespirals “Free and Easy” Podcast Feature

Ryan and Anji discuss the creation of Lovespirals‘ new CD, Free & Easy, detailing specific tracks, and and comparing this sophomore 2005 release to their debut 2002 release, Windblown Kiss. Audio clips from every track accompany this 15 minute interview style music feature. Which song is their favorite? Why did the duo decide to release independently, rather than going with a label? What inspired them in their writing? Listen in to find out.

Download Lovespirals Free & Easy Feature (MP3) from Internet Archive
