Tag Archives: Comic Strip Blogger

Adam Loves Anji (Again) on DSC

After an extended hiatus – over a year in, fact – Adam Curry has revived his popular Daily Source Code podcast. Hurrah! Though not as religious a follower as some of the more rabid Curry fans out there, I was a fairly regular listener as well as a contributor to the show. I was drawn in initially by my interest in his then-brand-new Podsafe Music Network (now known as Mevio’s Music Alley), and was thrilled when Adam played the Bitstream Dream remix of “Walk Away” by my band, Lovespirals. I sent in some audio feedback, which Adam played and responded to, and thus began our mutual online love affair. LOL! It seems strange to me now that many of Adam’s fans once referred to me as “Adam’s Girlfriend” when they ran into me in Second Life or elsewhere online.

Adam and I have only met in person a couple of times and even then it was in a crowded group situation, but my career in podcasting has been strongly tied to him almost from the beginning, and he has been a huge influence in my life. Not only did he start me on the Podsafe Music path, but he was the one who signed me to his then-brand-new media company, PodShow (now known as Mevio), as part of his initial “Quit Your Dayjob” campaign, PLUS he was the person who dubbed me “the sexiest voice in podcasting.” It was the verbal exchanges with Adam on the DSC that really invented the sexpot persona so many people associate with Anji Bee.

And apparently his fans still remember me from the show; when I dropped into the chatroom on Friday for the return of the DSC, people got excited. Some told me they’d been subscribed to The Chillcast since hearing my special guest hosted episodes of “The Charley,” which was great to hear. Others lumped me in as “part of the show,” along with other guest callers such as the infamous Comic Strip Blogger, who was also on hand for the relaunch. Of course, nobody but Adam was officially part of DSC, the rest of us were simply enthusiastic listeners who sent in audio and hoped Adam would take a liking to us. The DSC is like part radio call-in show, part reality show, with its part live/part pre-recorded format.

But I digress… what I meant to do when I sat down was give you the links to the two latest episodes of Daily Source Code which include little audio bits I sent in, but somehow I ended up writing an old-fashioned fan girl blog about the man who really put me on the path to where I am right now. Some people seem to hate him, but even with all his little foibles and public scandals – I love him! And apparently the feeling is mutual. Listen on…

Download Daily Source Code #822: Back in the Sack (mp3)
Read the official shownotes

Download Daily Source Code #823: Authenticity (mp3)
Read the official shownotes

Special thanks to Franklin McMahon for the photo of Adam & I at the New Media Expo 2007

Chillin’ with Anji Bee #16

Recorded this last night — before today’s rain… [and snow!] This episode includes exciting Lovespirals news, more on my upcoming Paul & Price feature, a continuation of one of the subjects from last week’s ShowGirls (no offense to older men intended, I think I was mostly influenced by the invective of Tom Leykis I’d heard on the radio earlier in the day…), and a bit about CSB, the 5 Things Meme, RumorGirls, and Second Life.

Chillin with Anji Bee #16

Watch Chillin’ with Anji Bee #16

View more at PodShow+


5 Things You Don’t Know About Anji

Crikey! I just noticed that C.C. Chapman had “tagged me” for that 5 Things Meme. Gulp! I guess I owe it to him to try and come up with 5 things people might not know about me and 5 other poor saps to do the same. Darned chain mail!

  1. My parents named me after the actress, Angie Dickenson.
  2. I attended 3 different high schools in 3 different states; California, Arizona, and Massachusetts.
  3. I moved out of the house right after High School. I started off in Downtown L.A., then moved to Hollywood, decided I hated the metropolitan area and settled down in the Harbor Area, instead.
  4. I’ve never left the North American continent; the furthest I’ve traveled to is Mexico City.
  5. OK, here’s the embarrassing one: I appear in Journey’s “Faithfully” video. I’m in one of the concert crowd shots, sitting up on a guy’s shoulders. I used to see it on MTV all the time… Good luck spotting me on the tiny grainy YouTube video!

So let’s see, I’ll tag Roger Smalls, Comic Strip Blogger, Karen & Karla of Rumor Girls, and Soccergirl. We’ll see if any of them actually do it or not…

Anji Bee on Comic Strip Blog

Daily Source Code followers will likely be familiar with the infamous Comic Strip Blogger, who comments religiously on Adam Curry’s blog. I recently mentioned him in some audio feedback to Adam, and now CSB (as Adam calls him) has mentioned me in his comic strip! Now, that is usually NOT a good thing, but I was somehow spared his wrath and appear in a fairly positive light. Of course, I should remind him that Ryan was the one to the sell the 50,000 CDs, not me…
