I woke up with a Cocteau Twins song in my head, one with a big soaring chorus background vocal, very dramatic. Their song names are so crazy that I honestly don’t know most of them! There was a snatch of lyric, however fleeting, that goes, “You are a woman just as you are a man.” Odd, yes? Anyway, turned out to be “Seekers Who Are Lovers” from Milk & Kisses. I really do love that CD. I prefer their late period material.
I like my horoscope for today: Balancing out the intellect and the heart is a tricky business.
Tag Archives: Cocteau Twins
Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 24
Ryan and I talk about his upgrade to a Mac Mini running Parallels, the mysterious stink of his old iBook, PodShow forgetting to renew their domain, my launch of anjibee.com, plus I read a touching fan email from MySpace, share my own fan story of Robert Cray, Cocteau Twins and more.