Chillin’ with Anji Bee #25

I think you can watch the sun go down behind me this week as I chat about Twitter, podcaster crushes, Matthew Ebel, Second Life, taxes, my noisy neighbor, my new superfan, breaking my Unwind legend, Lovespirals news, PodCruise, PME, and live performance nerves. OH don’t forget to Bum Rush the Charts 3/22/2007 – whenever that is wherever you are watching this!

Chillin' with Anji Bee #25

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Just watched the vidcast. I could not agree more about Leo Laporte and Twitter, I don’t subscribe to his anymore. I get enough Leo through his podcasts. I checked out your Twitter stream as well, added you. You should perform a song on the vidcast sometime…it will be like it is just you there, but all of your vidcast friends will get to see it, som maybe there won’t be any nerves. 🙂

Until next time.

Hey, baby, ya just “outed” yourself! I just said “a certain trucker”. Now you’ve pinpointed just which one i meant.

Hi Anji Bee, I saw you outed me to the public now.That’s cool cuz I am your number one trucker Super Fan. Great to see you as always, Anji. Hey world! Check out Anji Bee’s music and podcasts they are all Awesome! Buy a Lovespirals CD, heck buy two!
Your ears will love you for it.>truckin’ pro I’m out.