I’ve been alluding to this for the past month or so… and now the brand new PodShow podcast, ShowGirls, featuring “7 of the hottest women of Podshow” is available for your listening pleasure! Woo hoo!!!
Each episode join Cali Lewis from Geekbrief TV, Share from Rock ‘n’ Roll TV, KFC from the Podchick podcast, Anji Bee from The Chillcast, SoccerGirl from SoccerGirl Incorporated and Karla and Karen from Rumor Girls along with moderator, Franklin McMahon, for insights on everything from world events, entertainment, technology as well as a behind the scenes look at what it takes to produce some of the most popular podcasts out there. Tune in for conversations, laughs and mayhem with some of the coolest female podcasters in the industry…
This first episode was recorded the night before Thanksgiving, and we just recorded another episode for next week. It’s been pretty fun so far, and it will be exciting to get some feedback from the fans. We’re hoping to interact with listeners either via audio comments or email, so feel free to send me questions or suggestions for our next episode!