The site is coming along quite nicely now. I just keep adding little touches here and there to bring it up bit by bit. I am currently chatting with PME 2006 Award Winner, C.C. Chapman, (heh heh) about Technorati. Let’s see if my plug in is working yet…
Tag Archives: PME 2006
Chillin’ with Anji Bee #5
Did I say #4 on the opening art? Well, I meant 5. Sheesh! Keep it together, Anji! Anyway, I kinda go off and get really personal in this 5th episode. I guess meeting so many podcasters with so many different podcasting styles really made me think more about why I podcast and how I do it. So, I throw caution to the wind and dare to look unprofessional. Better download it before I change my mind and delete it!

Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 23
Ryan and Anji hop back in the saddle for a retooled post-PME extravaganza! OK, so they just added an outro song and intro script, but it’s still pretty cool… The band tell how they almost missed the Expo because of Bones, discuss recent song placements, answer fan email, announce upcoming 2007 releases and more!

Anji with Karen & Karla of The Rumor Girls
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Chillin’ with Anji Bee #4
Late, late Wednesday night I realized I didn’t do a vidcast, so I sat down to fill you in on my day. Nothing earth shattering, just a nice day. Oh, and I talk about this weekend’s Podcast and Portable Media Expo. Me without makeup, a first on the old Internet…