Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #42 MP3
The band are back from the 3 day podcast expo with plenty of tales to share about fellow podcasters such as Dawn and Drew, the Extreme Pods crew, Adam Curry, CC Chapman, Julien Smith, Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff, the RumorGirls, Britney Mason, and Geoff Smith. Also, Lovespirals news including our site relaunch, Lovespsirals Flickr album, promotional partnerships, the first batch of Long Way From Home CDs going out, and a sweet fan email from Julie. Plus personal stories including Lovespirals’ environmental tips, listening to Tea with Hungry Lucy, new Ryan sighting, Riki becoming Anji’s BFF, attending an Air concert, and seeing Jimmy Bratcher live. We also play a clip of The Black Channel Citizen remix of “Motherless Child” from the Motherless Child EP — free with your order of Long Way From Home at!

Ryan & Anji of Lovespirals with Joe Klein
Check out my Flickr and Facebook photo albums for PMNE 2007 pix.
Anji gives Adam that hug he’s been waiting for. But PodChick got there first!