Tag Archives: Miro

Chillcast Podcast & Vidcasts on Boxee

Both The Chillcast and Chillcast Video are now available on the Boxee Beta via a Mevio Network app. Boxee is a free cross-platform home theater program designed to organize and play all manner of media, from streaming online video and audio, to audio, video, and photos from your own hard drive, on either your computer or television. It also integrates social network aspects, so you can rate and recommend content to your friends.

Having only briefly checked it out, I can see some similarities to Hulu, Roku, and Miro (which also includes Chillcast Video). It looks like there is promise as an elegant solution to the ever-growing problem of collecting all your content in one place with easy-to-use functionality. I’m particularly excited at the prospect of using the Boxee Remote iPhone app to control my streaming Netflix content.


Chillcast Video featured by Miro

The Chillcast Video Edition is one of the Moderator Picks featured in the Miro Guide this week, alongside KCRW’s Good Food Video, WordPress TV, The Green Show HD, and others. Miro is a free open source, cross platform HD video player that allows you to subscribe and download vidcasts, search Google, YouTube, Yahoo for videos, and manage the videos on your own hard drive all in one handy application. Having just joined Miro in the past few weeks, its an honor to already have been recognized by them.
