I contributed a story to Laurence Simon’s 100 Word Story Weekly Challenge #86 – Snow. Check out the story in audio format on the podcast, read by yours truly, or read the text in the shownotes. Other participants include Guy David of the Night Guy Electronica Podcast, Yxes of the Podmafia Podcast, and 7 others. Its a fun listen, and you get to hear Mister Crap tease me, rather mercilessly.
I contributed my first 100 word story to Laurence Simon’s fun podcast for his Weekly Challenge #57 with the twin themes of “lingering” and “writer’s block.” It gave me an interesting opportunity to explore my romantic, sensual nature in spoken word, rather than lyrics. I haven’t done any spoken word in years, so it was great to get back into it! Take a listen, and maybe vote for my story over at 100 Word Stories Podcast so I can win a cool refrigerator magnet! Hee hee…