Tag Archives: Geekbrief TV

ShowGirls #6

ShowGirls [audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/4354/episodes/57800/showgirls-57800-04-18-2007_pshow_65958.mp3]

The gals get together minus SoccerGirl with some seriously uninformed discussion of the Don Imus controversy, the pains of tax day, and plans for PME 2007, plus Cali and Frank weigh in on the release of Final Cut Pro Studio 2, Karen explains her betty protest and we share the latest news from KFC of PodChick podcast, Cali Lewis of GeekBrief TV, Karla and Karen from Rumor Girls, and me.


ShowGirls #4

ShowGirls [audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/4354/episodes/53185/showgirls-53185-03-09-2007_pshow_60730.mp3]

After an extended hiatus, the girls are back and chattier than ever! This extra-long episode covers everything from the weather to whether or not we watch TV. We answer 2 audio comments, including one from Britney Mason about our favorite chick flicks, and a listener question regarding our relationship to fans. Other topics include Wii Have a Problem, American Idol, Rogue & Ronnoc, twitter, MySpace, Borat and Sacha Baron Cohen, plus the latest news from Cali Lewis of Geekbrief TV, Share of Rock ‘n’ Roll TV, KFC of Podchick podcast, SoccerGirl, and Karla and Karen from Rumor Girls. BTW, the last CD I bought was by Linda Lewis, and before that it was Continuum by John Mayer.
