“Disillusionment of Language” Lyrics

“Disillusionment of Language” AKA “True Beauty,”  “Words (Lack of Them)”

Various ccMixter producers (2009)

Words continually elude me
And I struggle to express
These feelings bottled up inside
They seem to hold no meaning
Feeling like mere empty shells

How can I vent this passion
Building up in heavy silences
Thoughts still seek release
Words only drain them away

Language is forever failing me
There aren’t enough variables
Vocabulary startlingly small
I need more verbs and adjectives
To describe these frantic impulses

How can we speak, communicate
When there is but one word
And that a shallow cliche
Full of bias and pretext and lies

There must be another word
To do justice to the concept
Forming in my mind and soul

How can I tell it to you
Unless we do not speak at all
But show our thoughts instead
Expressed in silences complete

With minds quieted and the hearts open
Eyes projecting everything
Telling all we seek to share

We must allow ourselves the time
And believe in our ability
To know without a concrete proof
And thus destroy such true beauty

— by Anji Bee

Note: This is an old poem from the early to mid 90’s that I recorded recently and made available on the ccMixter site. Various producers have created songs under different titles using these lyrics.