Download Chillcast with Anji Bee #113 MP3
It’s an American holiday weekend, but its raining in So Cal… That’s OK, ’cause I’ve got a whopping 2 hour mix of contemplative downtempo, IDM, nu-jazz, and world beat for your listening pleasure. Thanks so much for all the kind comments coming in about the Mother’s Day Mix and last week’s extended episode! I’m gonna keep the chill tunes flowing all Spring and Summer long.
Vektormusik “Intro” (mp3)
from “Interfoliere”
(Rump Recordings)Buy at eMusic
Silences Sumire
“Afterglowdust” (mp3)
from “Return Is Selective”
(Ropeadope Digital)Buy at iTunes Music Store
Fabrizio Cacciamali
“Close Curtains on a Sunny Day” (mp3)
from “The Way We Were EP”
(Summer Rain Recordings (White))Buy at iTunes Music Store
Critters Buggin
“Hojo” (mp3)
from “Stampede”
(Ropeadope Records)Buy at eMusic
Billy Cobham
“Africa’s Sounds” (mp3)
from “Drum’n’voice – All that groove”
(Nicolosi Productions)Buy at eMusic
- “Detached, Isolated & Remote” Evolve Happy Hour in the Gene Pool (2006)
- “Leftout” Moosefrog Chill-Out Bitch (2004) Free Download
- “Another Soft Shoulder” Cordovan Highway 10 Blues (2006)
“Camp Lejune” (mp3)
from “Living Exponentially”
(NormRex)Buy at eMusic
Stereo Heaven
“Mine” (mp3)
from “Ludus & Somnia”
(cct records)Buy at eMusic
“Woodward Ave” (mp3)
from “Renaissance”
(Submerge Recordings)Buy at eMusic
“Biomechanic” (mp3)
from “Vibration Records Presents The Journey”
(Vibration Records Ltd)Buy at eMusic
- “Zanzibar” Tokyo507 Tokyo507 (2008)
Tomasz Bednarczyk
“Sad Man On The Train” (mp3)
from “Summer Feelings”
(Room 40)Buy at iTunes Music Store
Stereo Heaven
“Mine” (mp3)
from “Ludus & Somnia”
(cct records)Buy at eMusic
“Um, Circles and Squares” (mp3)
from “The Lost Take”
(anticon)Buy at eMusic
Left You On Venus
“Remi” (mp3)
from “Autumn Carnations”
(Summer Rain Recordings (White))Buy at iTunes Music Store
- “In Between” Kirsty Hawkshaw The Ice Castle (2007)
- “Let There Be Lite” Radium88 Only Science Can Tell Us The Truth (2007)
“80” (mp3)
from “Welcome”
(Rump Recordings)Buy at eMusic
- “Fugal” General Fuzz Cool Aberrations (2007) Free Download
“What I Know” Global Noize Global Noize (2008)
- “The Star Raga” The Warheads Funk ‘n’ Gandhi (2006)
“Dunya” (mp3)
from “Dohuki Ballet”
(Sunshine Enterprises)Buy at eMusic
“Towards the Bare Hill” (mp3)
from “Under Giant Trees”
(Rumraket)Buy at eMusic
“Kalimeer” (mp3)
from “Far Away Morning”
(cct records)Buy at eMusic
Dive Index, Natalie Walker
“The World Is Kind
from “Mid/Air”
(Neutral Music)Buy at iTunes Music Store
More On This Album
Sponsors & Show Links:
- Use the Chillcast GoDaddy Promo Code CHILL255 for 25% off orders of $100 at godaddy.com
- Visit eMusic.com/chillcast for a 14 day trial & 35 songs FREE.
I do not need to recommend the Chillcast to anyone who is already listening, but try listening to it on one of those big beanbags. Very comfy, very relaxing, and while sitting in the sun and listening to this great mix, I completely lost track of time – which was quite a bad thing considering I listened to it on a weekday morning and I was running fairly late for work.
Hi Anji, as usual I am a bit behind on listening to your Chillcasts. This one was absolutely great. The only problem I had with it, is that after a while you have no idea which song you are listening to, which makes it a little hard to buy the music to support the artists. Other than that, absolutely great. I loved it. Thank you.
Just wanted to think you for the time and energy put into this show! What a nice treat. ALL of your shows are great, so my thanks here is for ALL of your hard work, not just this show!
troy aka CocteauBoy
Very cool, chill music! Thanks Anji. How about a special on Robert Rich (like the one for Science for Girls)? What is Karmacoda up to?
I haven’t commented in a while, or even listened to this one yet, but I just wanted to say I love these long mixes. I prefer them with the track listing all at the end, or maybe a break for a listing in the middle, with a nice flow of music in between.
I’ve also started coming here for the eMusic links, I’ve been a member since September 2006 and sometimes it’s difficult to find enough songs to fill my 40 a month quota