As promised, here is a special edition of The Chillcast to tide you over. This time around it’s a spotlight on my various musical collaborations outside of Lovespirals over the past decade. I went through my archives and dug up one song per year from the various bands I have lent my vocals and lyrics to, which is actually quite a bit more than is shared here. I hope you dig this glimpse into my personal history.
[audio:]Download The Chillcast: A Decade of Anji Bee MP3
- “New Life (Feat. Anji Bee)” Moosefrog Adrift (2007) Download Free Mp3
- “Walk Away (Dminor Mix)” Lovespirals (2006) Buy on Bandcamp
- “Heartstrings (DJ Pain 1 Mix Feat. El Guante)” Anji Bee (2005)
- “Love Me Leave Me (Feat. Anji Bee)” Bitstream Dream Integration (2004)
- “Ragdolls” Plastic Chair Different (Chris Garrett Mix CD) (2003)
- “Kawaii (“I Like To” Mix)” Plastic Chair (2002)
- “Goodbye (Feat. Anji Bee)” Bitstream Dream Back Catalogue (2001)
- “Gone (Fishtank No. 9 Mix)” Anji Bee unreleased (2000)
- “Goodbye (Feat. Anji Bee)” Dreamzone 51 unreleased (1999)
- “Flames (Anji Bee Remix)” Ain Soph Aur unreleased (1998)
- “Piscean Mars” Datura unreleased (1997)
Podcast/Promo Links:
- GoDaddy – Save 10% with promo code CHILL1
- Anji Bee on – sideprojects for download or stream
- Anji Bee on Podsafe Music Network – more sideprojects for podcast play
- Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff: The Diary of a Madman
Amazing episode. Is there any where I can buy Heartstrings?
travis, skip and i have been wondering what’s up with for months and months. rom seems to have dropped off the planet! his own site hasn’t been updated since last november.
jason, i’m thinking about the best way to handle release of shared material, and i’m honestly not sure. i may put together a digital download of some of it after i launch my all-new anji bee webstore…
Wonderful summation of your earlier material. A commercial artist, locked into the system, would not get a chance to air their early work. Would you consider releasing these tracks, even if only digitally and not on CD? Perhaps a project for when iTunes offers indie artists the option of 256kbps iTunes+ tracks.
hooray for bitstream dream! i first heard of anji b through bitstream dream back in the days. theyre still one of my favourite trip-hop/remix bands.
anyone know what happened to them? i havent heard anything from them in a long time, and it seems their website is down..