I’ve been wanting to do some more conversational Skype podcasts like the two I did with Julien Smith (Chillcast/In Over Your Head Special and Chillcast/In Over Your Head Special #2). Turned out that fellow podsafe musician and podcaster, Matthew Ebel, had some time to kill this week while chillin’ in Boston, so we thought it’d be fun to hook up for an informal chat about our common interests – music and podcasting, as well as everything that goes along with doing those things full time. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we did recording it, and I look forward to your feedback on the idea of me doing Skypecasts more regularly. (BTW, I sure was tempted to call this the High Chill Special…)
Warning: a teensy bit of naughty language sneaks in here and there…
[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/142/episodes/67855/thechillcast-67855-06-27-2007_pshow_90045.mp3]Download Chillcast Chat with Matthew Ebel MP3
- “Sally Went Down” Matthew Ebel Filling the Pages (2001)
- “Impatience” Matthew Ebel Beer & Coffee (2005)
Additional Links:
- Unwind Artist Spotlight on Matthew Ebel
- Matthew Ebel & High Orbit Podcast Official Site
- Matthew Ebel on the Podsafe Music Network
- Virtual Hot Wings – Matthew Ebel Live CD
- C.C. Chapman
- Chel Pixie
- Christopher Penn
- Britney Mason
- Ed’s Mixed Bag
Download and Play the Promo:
Chillcast Chat with Matthew Ebel MP3 (1 min)
What are you talking about? My Bloody Valentine are awesome! Pleb.
I’ve worked really hard to throttle the music snob in me. It all started while watching High Fidelity and laughing at the clerks in the record store and then realizing that was me and all my radio friends. The truth hurts.
joe, i’m right there with ya. i was such a music fascist when i was younger that i wouldn’t even check out mid-level underground bands like my bloody valentine. wtf, right?
i’m slowly learning to loosen up as time goes on. not all hype is corporate driven; sometimes it really does generate from the fans themselves. matt is one of those guys that has a kick ass fanbase but absolutely no label support. crazy!
I’ll be honest. Matt is the darling of the podosphere, so, closet hipster that I am, I thought if he’s that popular he can’t be that good. After listening to today’s show I said the hell with it, let’s give this guy a fair shake and downloaded a few of his songs.
I’ve been proven wrong so many times in the past you’d think I’d have learned by now: Matthew Ebel is great!
You miss out on so many good things when you are a closet hipster.
Bazooka Joe
Anji – Love the personal chats! Much more interactive between you and guests than your other interviews.
I agree with Jason – Just have each person record the audio locally and then combine them in post. Seriously, it’s no biggie and it’ll sound great!
Keep ’em comin’, baybay!
Anji, I dig the chats. It’s great to get to know other artists and web folk this way.
Personal connection gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.
I’m a big fan of Matthew, so I enjoyed this a lot. It’s true that the Skyper’s side of the audio is poorer and breaks up occasionally, but I wouldn’t worry about it. Just make it as good as you can technically and let the content carry the show, as did this one.
I listen to a lot of shows in which one party is skyping or on the phone and I don’t notice it after a while. I guess if both sides could record lcoally, then one compiles it, it would sound better, but you don’t have to.
Breaking up the general course of the ‘Cast is a great idea. I’d like to hear these chats occasionally.
Oh, and I like what you did with the album art. Nice touch!