I’m always complaining that I have more music than I can play on The Chillcast, right? So I’ve been thinking of expanding the show to a twice-weekly format. Perhaps later I’ll expand it to more than that… Just thought I’d ask your opinion on whether or not you think I should go twice-weekly with The Chillcast. I appreciate your input!
I already wrote this in your Facebook feed, but I figured out that it was an import from here, so I will also leave my comment here:
definitely yes. i have to tell you and ryan that your podcasts helped bring me a lot of comfort as i have been battling death and recovery from a very serious bout of pneumonia while over here in The Netherlands. I am totally recovering as i write this, but it’s been over a month in the hospital and 3 of those days were in a coma.
i love you guys anyway, but having those podcasts to look forward to really helped get through the long days and nights…
not that you need to make these to save lives, ha ha, but i just wanted to express my gratitude for what came as a great comfort to me during a tough time.
you do a great job on the shows!
hey tom thanks for your reply.
well, the next thought in the process is that i would streamline my podcast output to mainly the chillcast, no unwind, no lovely ladies. just more chillcasts, perhaps with different themes for different days. having more than one show seems a bit silly to me.
i’d love to also include more conversation in the chillcast, perhaps on a select day. so music lovers can skip the interview or chatty shows if they wish…
i’m still weighing it all out in my mind, just wanted to get some listener feedback!
Anji, we’d probably all like you to do a twice-weekly show, but personally I think you should only do it because *you* want to, not because we want you to.
But if you’ve got the time and the tunes: yes please!