Back to the old iPod format this week. I dunno if folks really care about the bigger size or not, and it just takes longer for me to bounce down and upload that dang large video, so screw it! Feel free to reply if you like the larger size and I will consider it. Another update on the bungalow renovation, the new Lovespirals CD, other recent goings-on, and some personal questions. OH! Plus a photo history of my hair colors.
Anji, I too started going gray at 15! Got that lovely gene from my father and paternal grandmother. Actually, my “grays” are snow-white. It’s pretty patchy and uneven right now, so I color it dark brown, but I’m happy to let it go to white when I get older.
I loved your “history of my hair” slideshow! Maybe I’ll make one too. Keep this vidcast going. I dig it!
between the blog comments, twitters, and emails i’ve gotten, i think you’ve all convinced me to keep going with the vidcast! the smaller size is better for me at this time, but we’ll see what happens as time goes on.
Oops – typo in the web link on the previous comment.
I care about the video resolution. VGA (640 x 480) is much better but I respect your decision to go QVGA (320 x 240). I think that if you don’t have a sponsor to pay for the traffic, it’s the right choice, because the bandwidth is significantly more for the larger size. I would much rather continue to have this show in the smaller format than to forgo it entirely.
It’s still watchable on Apple TV, which does a marvellous job of upscaling anything to 1080, even QVGA videos, even though they look a bit fuzzy. You mentioned that you have grey hairs. Well, you won’t see any of them with this format!
Please continue this show. It’s the podcast equivalent of, where all other work is summarised, and I think this is valuable.
As far as #32 is concerned, I liked it enough (just commented on it) but at least in my case, your surmise about having to catch up on all your content was true.
I was all set to class-action apologize for every one of us that passionately enjoys our voyeristic exposure to your life and then doesn’t acknowledge the work and then you put up the pin-up. Completely lost my train of thought!
Seriously, we are out here and we enjoy each podcast. I personally started with your video podcast and eventually migrated to Chillcast. It wouldn’t be as happy of a world without them. Really. No, Really!
loved this episode – i’m a chillcast and unwind listener, but this is the first chillin’ i’ve downloaded
very nice
silver hair rocks, by the way
maybe you dig that 80’s hair vibe, c? if i went burgandy again, i’d be super 80’s!
My family originates from Russia too.
Is it wrong to say that I dig the fact one side of your hair is longer than the other?