I contributed my first 100 word story to Laurence Simon’s fun podcast for his Weekly Challenge #57 with the twin themes of “lingering” and “writer’s block.” It gave me an interesting opportunity to explore my romantic, sensual nature in spoken word, rather than lyrics. I haven’t done any spoken word in years, so it was great to get back into it! Take a listen, and maybe vote for my story over at 100 Word Stories Podcast so I can win a cool refrigerator magnet! Hee hee…
i pass out now and again, laurence.
good to have you on the blog!!!
I felt kinda bad there were no comments on this post, so I decided to leave one.
Glad to have you among the crazi- I mean bards taking a whack at the topic, and I hope you’ve got a good one for this week among the Unwinds and Chillcasts and Chillins and…
You do SLEEP now and then, right?