Got some great feedback last time I shared Lovely Ladies with the Chillcast subscribers, so I couldn’t resist sharing this one, too, particularly since it includes several electronica or crossover electro-pop goodies! There are some fantastic voices this episode and a nice range of moods and tempos. Love it.
- “The Collector” Sarah Nixey The Collector (2005 ServiceAv)
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- “January” Kelly Goodlad Blues and Reds (2004)
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- “I Called You” Lily FrostCine-magique (2006 Aporia Records)
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- “Alive” Karen David Alive EP (2007 Solid Air Music Ltd.)
Download Free Mp3 - “Feel It” DJ Rap Up All Night (2006 Propa Talent Recordings)
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Theme song (“Heartstrings”) by:
yeah, found alice months ago and dug it but was bummed that the files were below 128k. maybe i’ll give them another listen, though…
btw, recommended your show to some peeps yesterday.
always had a lot of respect of dj rap as both a producer and a dj. her major label debut on sony got her panned by a lot of underground heads (and i’ll admit to not understanding the move at the time), but i think it freed her up to use her voice more and sing. plus she was always about running her own show: a&r, record labels and all that. she always get props from me.
okay, got a recommendation for you: alice smith. if you haven’t heard her already, she has two songs from her debut album in the pmn: “dream” and “woodstock.” her style is somewhere in between rock and soul. on-point singer/songwriter with an amazing voice. “dream” was the song i first fell in love with. i think you’d dig her.