Crikey! I just noticed that C.C. Chapman had “tagged me” for that 5 Things Meme. Gulp! I guess I owe it to him to try and come up with 5 things people might not know about me and 5 other poor saps to do the same. Darned chain mail!
- My parents named me after the actress, Angie Dickenson.
- I attended 3 different high schools in 3 different states; California, Arizona, and Massachusetts.
- I moved out of the house right after High School. I started off in Downtown L.A., then moved to Hollywood, decided I hated the metropolitan area and settled down in the Harbor Area, instead.
- I’ve never left the North American continent; the furthest I’ve traveled to is Mexico City.
- OK, here’s the embarrassing one: I appear in Journey’s “Faithfully” video. I’m in one of the concert crowd shots, sitting up on a guy’s shoulders. I used to see it on MTV all the time… Good luck spotting me on the tiny grainy YouTube video!
So let’s see, I’ll tag Roger Smalls, Comic Strip Blogger, Karen & Karla of Rumor Girls, and Soccergirl. We’ll see if any of them actually do it or not…
1. My favorite song is Endless Love by Lionel Ritchie… and it make me cry
2. Sorry Anji you may not want to read this one… but in Brazil I ate cow’s feet stew and loved it.. I also love chicken liver and BBQ chicken heart..YUM !
3. I have rug burns… from doing my Carmen Electra striptease aerobic DVD…. and I have a blast doing the routine.
4. I iron Frank’s shirts in my undies
5. I am a hairstylist and before I do a color that I am not sure how its going to turn out I do the sign of the cross with the color tube and say a little prayer to the hairgods… its usually comes out looking amazing.
That last one is quite the tasty tidbit.